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“Giris,” I said, “ now let’s go to Nibb’s
shop and ask whether lie has white velvet.”
All were willing. To think of asking that
queer Mr. Nibb for white velvet, wlien he kept
only shoe-strings and paraffin for sale! My!
but that would be fun! Air. Nibb always has
the window shades tight down over his shop
Windows, so that not the least thing can be
seen from the Street. He isn’t exactiy right
in his mind—and do you know what he did
once ?
It was in church and I sat just in front of
him and had on my flat fur cap. He is a great
one to sing in church and he stands bolt upright
and sings at the top of his voice. And just
think! He laid his hymn-book on top of my
cap just as if it were a reading desk, and I
didn’t dåre to move my head because he might
get in a rage if I did. So he sang and sang
and sang, and I sat and sat there with the
hymn-book on the top of my head.
Well—that was that time—but now we
stood there in the Street considering as to
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