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rock and bellowed horribly, making as much
noise as ten ordinary bulls would make. And
all the eows foliowed him round and round the
rock, lowing and acting crazy like him.
Never, never in my life have I been so
frightened. Karl grew paler and paler. Oh,
what if he should die of terror?
“ There’s nothing to be afraid of nöw, Karlie
bov,” I said in a shakv voice. “ The bull could
never get up here. No indeed—he can be
mighty sure of that, horrid old beast! ”
“ He can be mighty sure of that, horrid old
beast! ” repeated Karlie boy with white lips.
How long did we sit there? I’m sure I
don’t know. It must have been a long time,
for the sunshine disappeared from among the
trees, the eows laid themselves down in a circle
around the rock, the bull went to and fro. If
he went a little way off, he would come
rush-ing back again and begin to behave worse than
ever. The ground about the rock was torn up
as if there had been a great battle there.
I have often tried to remember what I
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