- Project Runeberg -  Pictures of Sweden /

(1851) [MARC] Author: H. C. Andersen
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compressed, and widens again: it is as if one passed
from lake to lake through narrow canals and
broad rivers. Sometimes it appears as if the
lake ended in small rivulets between dark pines
and rocks, when suddenly another large lake,
surrounded by corn fields and meadows, opens
itself to view: the light-green linden trees,
which have just unfolded their leaves, shine
forth before the dark grey rocks. Again a
new lake opens before us, with islets, trees
and red painted houses, and during the whole
voyage there is a lively arrival and departure of
passengers, in flat bottomed boats, which are
nearly upset in the billowy wake of the vessel.

It appears most dangerous opposite to
Sigtuna, Sweden’s old royal city: the lake is
broad here; the waves rise as if they were the
waters of the ocean; the boats rock – it is
fearful to look at! But here there must be a
calm; and Sigtuna, that little interesting town
where the old towers stand in ruins, like
outposts along the rocks, reflects itself in the

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