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deflexa i Florida» Bryozoa, og jeg maa antage, at det
virkelig er denne art, som har foreligget. Enhver, som
har beskjæftiget sig noget med cyclostomate polyzoer, ved
hvilke store vanskeligheder ofte er forbundet med at
identificere dem, og man tør neppe stole sikkert paa, at den
arktiske fauna omfatter baade entalophora deflexa og clavata
samt desuden stomatopora deflexa. Couch.
Det, som især synes at karakterisere entalophora.
deflexa, er den betydelige længde af zoöciernes frie del, jeg
har nemlig fundet den af være 0.84—0.96 mm., stundom
endog 1.2 mm. Længden ei’ nemlig ogsaa underkastet
betydelig variation. Zoöciernes tykkelse i den frie del fandtes
at variere mellem 0 14—0.18 mm.
Oöcier har jeg ikke fundet, men Smitt har tegnet dem
som en opsvulmning under bifurcationen.
ings of Entalophora deflexa in Floridan Bryozoa; and I
may assume that it really is this species that I have had
before me. Any one who has had anything to do with
cyclostomatous polyzoans, knows the great difficulties that
are frequently connected with their identification; and one
dare hardly be sure that the arctic fauna includes both
Entalophora deflexa and clavata, as well as Stomatopora
deflexa, Couch.
That which seems especially to characteiise
Entalophora deflexa. is the considerable length of the free
portion of the zooecia. 1 have found it to be 0.84—0.9ft mm.,
sometimes as much as 1.2 mm. The length, too, is subject
to considerable variation. The thickness of the zoæcia in
their free part was found to vary between 0.14 and 0.18 mm.
I have not found any ooecia, but Smitt has drawn
them as a swelling below the bifurcation.
(len. Reticulipora.
Reticulipora intricaria. Smitt.
Tab. I, fig. 12.
Reticulipora intricaria, Smitt (24, V), p. 1117, tab. 20,
fig. 1—3.
Diastopora intricaria, Levinsen (15), p. 21.
Retictdipora intricaria, Nordgaard (18, II), p. 5.
Pindesteder. St 48. 290, 315.
Af de her opførte Stationer ligger 48 i øst for Island,
290 og 315 mellem Norge og Spitsbergen. Paa dette strøg
er arten tagen engang før, nemlig af den svenske
Spits-bergexpedition (Smitt). Lindahl har taget den i Baffins
Hay, og Dijniphnaexpeditionen i Karahavet (Levinsen).
Endelig har jeg fundet den ved Sværholt i Finmarken.
Smitt (1. c) har tydelig fremhævet slægtskabet med
diastopora specielt obelia ved tilstedeværelsen af smaarør,
tilslutning af de ældre zoöcier ved en kalklamel, o. s. v.
Denne kalklamel (operculum) er ogsaa her perforeret. I)e
kolonier jeg havde til undersøgelse, afgav nok et vidnesbyrd
om nært slægtskab med diastopora, idet der i grenenes
kant forekom et listeagtigt fremspring svarende til
basalskivens udvidelse hos diastopora (the marginal extension of
the basal lamina).
Længden af den frie del af zoöcierne ved 0.4—0.6 mm.
og tykkelsen ca. 0.12 mm.
Gen. Reticulipora.
Reticulipora intricaria, Smitt
Pl. I, fig. 12.
Reticulipora intricaria, Smitt (24, V), p. 1117; Pl. XX,
figs. 1—3.
Diastopora intricaria. Levinsen (15), p. 21.
Reticulipora intricaria, Nordgaard (18, II), p. 5.
Occurrence. St. 48, 290, 315.
Of the above-mentioned stations, 48 lies east of
Iceland, and 290 and 315 between Norway and Spitsbergen.
The species has been taken once before in this district,
namely, by the Swedish Spitsbergen Expedition (Smitt).
Lindahl lias found it in Baffin’s Bay, and the Dijmphna
Expedition in the Kara Sea (Levinsen). Lastly, I have
found it at Sværholt in Finmark.
Smitt (1. c) has clearly pointed out the relationship
to Diastopora, especially obelia, in the presence of small
tubes, the closing of the older zoæcia by a calcareous lamella,
etc. This calcareous lamella (operculum) is perforated’
here too. The colonies I examined possessed yet another
proof of their near relationship to Diastopora, in the
occurrence of a fillet-like projection at the edge of the
branches, corresponding to the extension of the basal lamina
in Diastopora.
The length of the free portion of the zooecia was
from 0.4 to 0.6 mm., and its thickness about 0.12.
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