Full resolution (TIFF) - On this page / på denna sida - IV. Chapter. On the application of the penitentiary system in Sweden
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consideration is of the greatest importance, for the most valuable capital man possesses is time; and the expenses of the state for the support of prisons will also thus be considerably decreased.
The three lowest degrees of punishment will then be altered thus:
Third degree . . . from 4 years to 6 inclusive.
Fourth degree . . . from 2 years to 4 —
Fifth degree . . . from 6 months to 2 years —
Those criminals, who are condemned to either of these degrees, should be submitted to the Philadelphian treatment; the two higher degrees, on the other hand, are gone through under the Auburn discipline, unless experience should hereafter show, which is, with some modifications at least, probable, — that solitary confinement can, even for them, be applied without danger.
According to this view two kinds of correction-prisons are consequently first requisite, namely, a) for the first and second degrees of punishment (should capital-punishment be abolished), or only for the second (if capital-punishment be retained), according to the Auburn system; and b) for the three others, according to the Philadelphian system.
To decide as to the number of cells that will be necessary at the houses of correction, is difficult, for as the new law-project must be taken as the foundation, other relations arise than those which have hitherto prevailed, and concerning which we can, therefore, only conjecturally come to any con
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