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Memorial Service
Presentation of Rasmus B. Anderson
Boulder to University of Wisconsin,
Lincoln Terrace, Sunday, June 29, 1937
by Albert O. Barton.
It was with a fine sense of fitness
that the friends of Professor Anderson
conceived the idea of presenting to the
university this glacial memorial to him.
It was in the years that he served as
a member of the faculty of the university
that he did his most significant
work; made his greatest contributions.
Distinguished as may have been his
later services in the field of diplomacy,
in journalism, in the rescuing and
salvaging of pioneer history, his shining
years nevertheless were the 1870s and
the early ’80s, when, in addition to
building up and conducting a new
department, he produced the written
works that were to give him his greatest
reputation. No claim is made for
Dr. Anderson as a creative genius, yet
an interesting fact which may well be
recalled at these exercises is that he
had this in common with the generality
of genius that he reached his high
water mark of achievement in his
This achievement lay in the works:
that he produced in this teeming early
period—“America Not Discovered by
Columbus,” “Norse Mythology,” “The
Younger Edda,” “Viking Tales of the
North,” and others of similar character.
These works by Professor Anderson
served to lay open to the American
reading public the treasures of the
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