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Ipswich, Townsend, Charles Thomas, RVO,
f. 16; 48.
Jersey, Le Feuvre, Francis, f. 40; 86.
Leeds, Evans, Alfred Edward, f. 65; 02.
Littlehampton, Woodhams, Albert, f. 49; 84.
Liverpool, Enhörning, Emil Augustin, kon-
sul, f. 64; (97) 06.
Llanelly, Howe!!, William, f. 46; 94.
Lowestoft, Spashett, George Frederick, f.
84; 06.
Lynn Regis, Flexman, William, f. 52; 95.
Manchester, Simon, Salis, f. 40; 07.
Middles- iGensz, William Richard, f. 41;
borough, / 06.
Milford, Phillips, John, f. 41; 82.
Newcastle VTestrup, Nils Gustaf Edvard G
lion Tvne, J stafsson, f. 75; 06.
Newhaven, Thyer, Frederick James, f. 69; 08.
Newport, Ford, William Tom, f. 52; 98.
Newry, Redmond, William, Forbes, RVO,
f. 40; 73.
Padstow, Langford, Robert Sussex, f. 56; 88.
Penzance, Mathews, Edwin, f. 40; 85.
Plymouth, Davis, Sydney Carl i le, f. 78; 06.
Portsmouth, van den Bergh, Arnoldus Louis,
RVO, f. 30; 72.
Rye, .. Vidler, John Symonds, f. 51; 87.
Scilly-Oarnä, Hooper, John Eynon, f. 38; 89.
Sheffield, Schött, Robert, RVO, f. 40; 82.
Shoreham, Brown, John EJ]man, RVO, f.
26; 71.
Southampton, BoviU, George Gordon, f. 51; 93.
Sunderland, Wancke, Elof TJlrick, f. 55; 90.
Swansea, Dähne, David Lionel Carl. f. 76;
Teignmouth, Ward, Pike, f. 56; 94.
Weymouth, Butt, William, f. 45; 89.
Wisbeach, Sandberg, Jonas Richard, f. 53;
Yarmouth, Butcher, Matthew, f. 79; 06.
[294] (inom Skottland)
Aberdeen, Cook, George M., f. 53; 89.
Alloa, Fischer, Andreas Mörten Ham-
mer, f. 53; 90.
Borrowstonness, Hogg, James, f. 57; 06.
Burnt Island, Connel, James Wallace, f. 62; 05.
Charlestown, Mc Ewan, George, f. 62; 97.
Dundee, Förrest, Simon, f. 57; 06.
Fraserburgh, Mac Connachie, William, f. 48;
Glasgow, von Goës, Sigurd Theodor, konsul,
f. 68; 06.*
Grangemouth, Simpson, William, f. 76; 06.
Leith, Mackie, Richard, f. 51; 06.
Lerwick |
(Shetlands- ^Mitchell, Alexander, f. 67; 06.
Öarna), J
Leven-Metkil, Ketschen, William Thomas, f.
59; 06. !
Macduff, Valder, Thomas, f. 56; 85. |
Montrose, Millar, Robert Hoyer, f. 57; 84. |
Peterhead, Gray, Robert, f. 56; 96.
Port Glasgow, Anderson, John, f. 35; 64.
Stornoway, Simpson, David, f. 50; 07.
Wicko.Thurso, Leith, David, RVO, f. 38; 65.
Turkiet (europeiska).
Anckarsvärd, Per Gustaf August
Cosswa, envoyé [284], f. 65;
Dardanellerna, de Fenton, Joseph, RVO, f. 58;
Gallipoli, d’Andria, Charles Francois, f. 46;
Saloniki, Blunt, George Stratford, f. 45; 90.
[295—296] Tyska riket.
Taube, Arvid Fredrik, grefve,
envoyé [285], f, 56; 06.
Berlin, von Mendelssohn, Robert, gen.-
konsul, KVOlkl, f. 57; 01.
Berlin, Moberg, Axel Elof, RVO, f. 63;
Lutzen, Planer, Oscar, RVO, korresp HA,
f. 54; 08.
Bremen, Wendt, Johan Wilhelm Theodor,
f. 74; (06) 07.
Brake o. Nor- 1M ^^ f> 5ß ^
denhamm, J ’
Bremerhafen, Meiners, Gustaf Heinrich
Friedrich, f. 69; 07.
Emden, Brons, Friedrich Lubert, RVO,
f. 50; 80.
Geestemünde, Ssebert, Hermann, f. 55; 06.
Leer, Boekhoff, Onno, f. 70; 07.
Papenburg, Bruns, Johan Christopher, f. 59;
Breslau, von Wallenberg-Pachaly, Gotthard,
RVO, f. 50; (83) 86.
Danzig, Jörgensen, Einar, RVO, f. 43; 92.
Elbing, Mitslaff, Edvard Theodor, f. 34:
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