- Project Runeberg -  Samtiden : tidsskrift for politikk, litteratur og samfunnsspørsmål / Otteogtyvende aargang. 1917 /

(1890-1926) With: Gerhard Gran
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Tre søstre..


Worthless as witliered weeds,
Or idlest froth amid the boundless main,

To waken doubt in one
Holding so fast by thine infinity;

So surely anchored on
The stedfast rock of immortality.

With wide-embracing love
Thy spirit animates eternal years,

Pervades and broods above,
Changes, sustains, dissolves, creates, and rears.

Though earth and man were gone,
And suns and universes ceased to be,

And Thou were left alone
Every existence would exist in Thee.

There is no room for Death,
Nor atom that his might could render void:

Thou — Thou art Being and Breath,
And what Thou art may never be destroyed.

Jeg har git min søster Emilys sidste ord; dette er min
søster Annes sidste:

I hoped, that with the brave and strong,

My portioned task might lie;
To toil amid the busy throng,

With purpose pure and high.

But God has fixed another part,

And He has fixed it well;
I said so with my bleeding heart,

When first the anguish feil.

Thou, God, hast taken our delight,

Our treasured hope away :
Thou bid’st us now weep through the night
And sorrow through the day.

These weary hours will not he lost,

These days of missery,
These nights of darkness, anguish-tost,
Can I but turn to Thee.

With secret labour to sustain

In humble patience every blow;

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