- Project Runeberg -  Through Siberia - the land of the future /

(1914) [MARC] Author: Fridtjof Nansen Translator: Arthur G. Chater - Tema: Russia
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Obi River, the, Samoyedes of, 30-3,
92 and note, 207-8 ; mouth of
the, 59, 60, 441-42 ; forests,
89 _• steamboats of the, 147 ;
navigation, 432, 440, 443, 445
Gulf of, 31, 48, 49, 59, 438, 440,
442, 444, 446-48, 461
Obi-Ostiaks, 143
Ofot Line of Norway, 306 note
Oil-wells, Siberian, 291
Okhotsk, sea of, 333-34, 354
Okotetta tribe, the, 33
Oldoi River, the, 420
Oleniy Island, 19
Olkhén, Island of, 311
Omul-fishing, 107-9, 111, 112
Omul, voyage of the, 128-29, 173, 204,
272, 280 ; at Yeniseisk, 250-51, 259
Onen River, the, 315-16
Opium, cultivation of, 327-28
Orda Yabtung, the, 124
Oroches, the, 335, 341, 348, 377
Oryol, " Eagle," 129
Oscar Dickson, steamer, 446
Osier scrub, 113, 114, 116
Osinovski Rapids, the, 219, 231-32
Ossetin people, the, 181
Ostiaks, the, 87, 89, 149, 164 ; Ugrian,
33 note ; sledge-dogs of the, 137 ;
number in the Turukhansk district,
218-19 ; types, 221 ; boats of the,
226-27. See also Yenisei-Ostiaks
Ostiak-Samoyedes, 30, 87, 90, 93, 95, 96
Ottar cited, 94
Oxino, observations at, 454-59
Pacific, first sight of the, 340-41
Pakhtusov, voyage of, 444
Pakhtusov, Russian exploration ship,
448, 450
Palavinaya, 163
Palliser, Major John, 444
Pandora 11. See Newport
Papuans, 336
Peasants, Mir system of agriculture,
241-43 ; banks for, 286 ; immigrant,
Pechora, the, 7, 16, 440, 442
Peik-to-shan volcano, 326
Peking, march of the Allies on, 176,
372 ; Khunkuses of, 329
Treaty of, 355-56, 365
Pelatka-fishing, 137
Penkovaya Station, 424
Perm, 288, 435
" Pesk," the, 29
Pet, Arthur, 440
Peter the Great, 138
Bay, 332, 334, 338
Petersburg, 229, 287-88, 293, 356-57,
Petropavlovsk Naval Station, 338, 355,
Petrovsk ironworks, 313-14
Pimen, story of, 134-35
Pit River, the, 230
Plankton-fishing, 108
Podkåmennaya Tunguska, 71, 229-30
Podrutskiy, Yeogéniy Ulianovich, 382,
Pokrovka, 385
Polar Sea, whaling, 13
Popham, voyages to the Yenisei, 65
Population of Siberia, 282
Portsmouth, treaty of, 352
Potapovskoye, 161
Poyarkov, Vasiliy, 353-54
Preobrasheniy Island, 154-55
Preobrashenskoye, Cape, 154
Primorskaya Oblasty, 333-35
Prisons along railway line, 419-20, 424
Progranichnoye Station, 331-32
Prokofeva Bank, 18
Proven, såiling sloop, 445
Ptarmigan, 113-17
Pustoy, 107
Pustozersk district, 27
Meteorological Station, 454-59
Pyasina, 180
Radlope, Dr., cited, 89, 172
Railways, Russian, 280-81 ; Siberian,
projected, 290, 292 ; the line around
Baikål, 306-8 ; importance to culti
vation of land, 325-26 ; a Decauville,
through Manchuria proposed, 373

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