- Project Runeberg -  The Great Siege : the Investment and Fall of Port Arthur /

(1906) [MARC] Author: Benjamin Wegner Nørregaard - Tema: Russia, War
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the place ; that to their minds the capture of Port
Arthur would sum up and crown the whole
glorious campaign. They had heard with proud
hearts of the many victories of their brave army
and navy, and when the war bulletins were
published and spread all over the town by fleet-
footed, loud-voiced, bell-jingling runners, telling
of new battles and new victories and new acts
of daring and reckless bravery, they organized
lantern processions and marched round in the
streets banzaiing and singing. But the best part
of their enthusiasm they kept for the day when
the news of the fall of Port Arthur should fly over
the country, and, like a wildfire, light every lamp
and transparency in every town and every village.
What a turn-out there would be! Not a man,
woman or child that would not take his lantern and
help to swell the ranks of the millions and join in
the immense roar of banzai that would go like a
thunderstorm over Japan. For months prepara-
tions had been going on for the great day ; the
Government itself had taken the matter in hand.
Everybody knew where to meet and what to do,
which procession to join, what lantern or crudely
painted transparency to carry, what fancy dress to
wear. Large dinner and supper parties were
arranged everywhere, every restaurant and tea-
house would be filled, and there would be a
feasting and a demonstration and a celebration
by the whole of a great nation, such as the world
had probably never witnessed before.
The battle of Yalu, yes, and the battle of
Tehlissu, the destruction of the Russian fleet, the
rumoured defeat of the whole of Kuropatkin’s
army, all this was grand news, and filled the
hearts of the people with joy and gladness ;
so long as Port Arthur was still in the enemy’s

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