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thee. See, here my hand I of - fer! Now come,dance with me.
By stream- let and leaf - y dale, By stream-let and leaf - y dale, By
or, Then gal - lop a - way, a - way,We ’11 gal - lop by night and day, We ’11
or, Thro’ ros - es we’ll dance a - way,Thro’ ros - es wre’ll dance so gay, Thro’
stream - let and leaf - y dale, By stream - let and dale,
gal - lop by night and day, We’ll gal - lop a - way.
ros - es we’11 dance so gay, Thro’ ros - es a - way.
Setting. A large circle, facing center, with one or several boys
inside. During first part of music, the circle moves in march time;
during second part, in side gallop.
Description. At 1, boys inside choose the girls in the circle they
wish for partners, and follow them as they move with the circle. At
2, they take their partners and dance with them, ring grasp, first to
the right, then to the left. Game now begins again, this time with
girls inside.
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