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"Iron and Steel in Sweden" has been published for the purpose of supplying
purchasers abroad with clear, easily accessible and correct information respecting the various
products manufactured and exported by Swedish Iron and Steel Works.
The simplest and easiest way to find a certain article or firm is to look for it in
the "Index of Products and Firms" at the end of the book. This index embraces
"Alphabetical List of Products" where are to be found all the various products given
in the directory, and also an "Alphabetical List of Firms," in which all the firms
mentioned in any part of the book may be found, together with a reference to the various
principal sections, and to the pages in the respective sections, where the name of the
firm appears.
The abbrevation "A.-B." before or after the name of a firm stands for
"Aktiebolag" (Joint Stock Company; usually Limited).
The following remarks respecting the various principal sections are worthy the
reader’s careful attention:
Under each principal heading (for inst.: "Pig iron and iron sponge," "Steel," &c.)
are arranged the special productions belonging to each branch (such as "Charcoal
pig iron," "Ingots," &c.) and under these, the names of the manufacturers who export
the kind of goods in question, with information respecting Postal- and Telegraphic
addresses, Codes and Export ports. When not otherwise stated, the telegraphic address
is the same as the postal address. All the firms included in this list are manufacturers
and, in most instances, members of the "Jernkontoret" (Iron Masters’ Association).
Those firms, illustrated accounts of which can be found in the section: "Descriptions
of Swedish Iron and Steel Works," are distinguished by an asterisk (*) before the
name. A "dagger" (d.) before a name shows that the firm can be found in the section:
"Advertisements". After the introductory article there is inserted a map, showing
the location of the Swedish Iron and Steel Works. All statements respecting
production, &c., have been checked by the "Jernkontoret" (Iron Masters’ Association),
which is responsible for their accuracy.
In this principal section there will be found authoritative and descriptive accounts
of the greater number of the producers mentioned in the preceding sections. Besides
historical data, informations are given regarding manufactured products exported by
the various concerns, even as regards such manufactured goods in the iron and steel
branch, which do not belong to the preceding Directory.
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