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- The iron and steel industry in Sweden
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The Blast furnace at Edsken where the first successful Bessemer charge in the world was blown on July 18th, 1858.
60-65 %. The variation is chiefly due to the contents of phosphorus. Some varieties of
ore contain, for instance, 2.5 % phosphorus and 59.5 % iron, others 0.012 % phosphorus
and 69.5 %iron. The ore is delivered in different grades, according to contents of
phosphorus, and is chiefly exported as especially suitable for the basic bessemer process.
The two mentioned deposits alone are calculated to contain 1.000 million tons of ore
in sight and are probably considerably larger. Other important ore fields in
Lappland, now belonging to the state, are Svappavaara, Leveäniemi, Ekströmsberg,
The ore deposits belonging to the southern group are of a somewhat different
character. The ores consist of magnetite or hard hematite, but are generally not quite
so rich in iron. They contain on an average 52-55 % of iron. The percentage of
phosphorus is generally very low, and only very few mines contain ores with more than
0.02 % P. To this group belong the famous Dannemora mines with an ore that has
always been considered as the best in the world for steel making. The phosphorus
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