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Basic Bessemer is used in Sweden only at two works for the production of
ordinary structural steel.
In 1917 about 78.000 tons of Bessemer ingots were produced in the country.
Already two years after the first successful trials of Messrs. P. and. E. Martin, at
the Steel Work of Sireuil in France, to produce steel by melting pig iron together with
soft iron in a Siemen’s furnace, or in the year 1868, the first charges of open hearth steel
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Production of pig iron in Sweden 1870-1918.
were melted in Sweden at Munkfors works, belonging to the Uddeholm Co. The
proposition was here somewhat different than in France, as in Sweden wood was used
instead of coal for fuel in the gasproducers. The successful results soon induced other
steel works to introduce the process, and the production of open hearth steel increased
rapidly. In the year 1894 the steel quantity produced by this method became larger
than that produced by the Bessemer method and 1900 larger than the wrought iron
production. Open hearth is at present date the chief refining method. Basic open
hearth was introduced 1889. In 1917 about 500,000 tons of ingots were
manufactured. It should be born in mind that the Swedish steelworks, manufacturing high grade
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