- Project Runeberg -  Iron and Steel in Sweden /

(1920) [MARC] - Tema: Business and Economy, Metals
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EVEN in the very short notes on the development and present state of the Swedish
iron and steel industry it has not been possible to avoid mentioning the name of the
old famous association of Swedish ironmasters, called "Jernkontoret". The part played
by this institution is so prominent, that nobody who wishes to get a fair view of the
Swedish iron and steel industry can omit to take it into consideration.

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Jernkontorets (The Iron Masters’ Association) building in Stockholm.

Jernkontoret, or as it should be translated, the Swedish Iron Masters’ Association,
was formed about 175 years ago, or more precicely 1747, when its first regulations were

The earlier half of the 18th century was a period of marked activity in the Swedish
iron industry. The export of iron was rising rapidly and about 1740 its value amounted
to about 3/4 of the total export of the Kingdom. The prices were, however,
gradually sinking and at the beginning of the "fourties" the industry worked under hard

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