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Lfje Owedisf) (~y ear Uoook
the first edition of which will be issued early
ic) 2i, will contribute to give readers in other
countries a more comprehensive and correct
knowledge olSweden and its various resources.
The articles contained in the Y ear .Book,
dealing with Swedish industries, commerce,
manufactures, maritime trade, banking, etc., with the
communications and tourist traffic, the social
conditions of the country, etc., are based to
the greatest extent on the very latest official
statistics, and have been written by the most
competent authorities in each branch.
consequently, will be a convenient,
compendiously instructive, authoritative guide
to everything in Sweden ol which foreign
countries should have a knowledge.
will be sent, post-free, to any part of the
vVorld on receipt ol ö Swedish Jvronor.
Published oy
Aktiebolaget Svenska Teknologföreningens Förlag
Postfack 644 - Stockholm I - Swcdcru
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