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Electric Blast Furnaces, Hagfors.
Venern. Scientific farming is now also carried on for the Company’s account, on the
large estates and at the smaller farms.
The Uddeholm Company, Ltd., is undoubtedly one of the most comprehensive
business enterprises in Sweden, and its activity during a period of more than 200 years
has left its mark on almost all forms of life and labour in vast districts of the Eastern
Vermland mining district, along traf fie-routes and at harbours. The total area of
the Company’s domains
at present amounts to
281,683 hectares (700,000
acres, or nearly 1,100
square miles).
To follow the
historical development of the
Uddeholm Works is,
therefore, in many respects to
trace the development of
the province of Vermland
and, in this background,
to catch glimpses of the
events in the world be-
!old Rolling Mills, Munkfors.
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