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and form a framework
for the fields in other
parts. In the middle of
this picture we see the
Works. The noise of the
industrious iron workers
is heard from them,
accompanied by the
continuous roar of the
waterfalls which give the
place its name,
Deger-fors (= the great falls).
These idyllic natural
surroundings are
completed by material
advantages. The Works
are favourably situated
quite close to Degerfors
station on the State Railway, Laxå-Charlottenberg, the so-called North Western main
line, and they are also connected with the Nora Bergslag Railway by a private line
between Degerfors and Högberg Station. A large part of the Company’s supplies of
ore is carried by the Nora Bergslag Railway from the Nora mining district, about 25
miles north-east of the Works. Some of the ore is brought from Persberg via
Like other works situated near Lake Venern, Degerfors has benefited by the
deepening of the Trollhätte Canal, by means of which this waterway can now be used by fairly
large vessels. Goods intended to be shipped by this route are sent via Otterbäcken,
which is about 28 miles distant.
Pressed marine boiler end plate.
The Degerfors Iron Works date from about the middle of the short, but brilliant
period when Sweden was a Great Power-a period characterised just in the Swedish
iron industry by very great productiveness. The reason of this activity was the fact
that the State recognized the importance for the welfare of the country of promoting
industries and love of work.
On June 15^, 1654, George Camitz, a burgher, and afterwards mayor of
Kristinehamn (a port on the N. shore of L. Venern), received a licence from the mining inspector
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