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Interior of Bath-house.
the streams has been carried out, it is estimated that this power station will’,supply about
30,000 turbine HP.
In addition to the workshops and dwellings appertaining to the Works, the Company
possesses at Högbo and the surrounding parishes an estate of about 5,000 hectares (12,000
acres) in extent, 350 hectares (800 acres) of which consist of arable land farmed by the
Company itself, the rest being forest- and pasture land.
A description of the Sandviken Iron Works would not be complete unless some mention
was made of the efforts of the Company to secure good social conditions for its employees.
The total number of hands at Sandviken amounts to about 2,700, for whom the
Company has erected a " garden-town," where about 5,000 persons dwell in houses which are
the property of the Company. A considerable area has also been set aside for the erection
by employees of their own houses. For some of these "private-house" plots, there has been
adopted the system - in order to avoid speculation, &c. - that only so much land is
sold to a workman as is necessary for the erection of a house; the area devoted to gardening
purposes is merely let to him. As a rule, these private houses are surrounded by
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