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Mining Ore by hand.
The Åminne Iron Works are scarcely a century old. The blast furnace was
established in 1824 by Mr. Dankwardt (a puisne judge) on the old Beestorp estate, in order
to utilize the bog ore from the lakes Bolmen, Vidöstern and others. The Works were
soon made independent of the rest of the estate in question, and, under the name of
Åminne, became part of the parish of Karda, first in ecclesiastical respects and, after
1864, also in regard to the civil authorities. In 1-830 a bar iron forge, with 2 hearths, was
built for the purpose of utilizing the scrap iron obtained from the iron foundry attached
to the blast furnace. One of the two hearths was shut down in 1854 and the other in
1871. In 1900 a new blast furnace was built at Ferrum, in addition to which the
workshops were reconstructed on a very large scale in 1909. The motive power consists
both of water and of gas, the latter obtained from the blast furnace. Since 1914 the
Works have been under the managing directorship of Viscount J. Lilliecreutz.
This is not the place to enter into the question of the formation of limonite
(lake-and bog) ore, but we merely wish to point out the fact that, at a depth of from 3 to 15
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