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For more than 35 years back the Company has manufactured this brand, which
has a splendid reputation. Its production is based on the sole use of charcoal,
and of the world-famed ores from the Persberg iron-fields and from the Nora
mining district.
Equipped with extremely powerful stoves, the two blast-furnaces are especially
suited for this manufacture. They were constructed in 1870-71 and have, since then,
been improved and modernised several times. In 1884 the two first Cowper stoves were
erected. Three more of considerably larger dimensions, have since been mounted.
This enables Björneborg to manufacture foundry pig-iron containing as much as 6 %
silicon, and, in the most favourable cases, even more.
The Björneborg foundry pig-iron has rightly obtained recognition on account of the
great strength, toughness, density and capacity of withstanding high temperatures
of the cast goods made from it, and it is no exaggeration to say that it is one of the
finest makes on the international market. The Björneborg foundry pig-iron has also met
with a steadily increasing demand for use as a mixing iron in the leading foundries
in England and also America. It is made in 7 different degrees of hardness with
a silicon percentage of from Ö 3 up to 6 %. Among these there is supplied as a
specialty an extra strong iron with a bending capacity of up to 50 kilos per mm2,
and a tensile strength of up to 30 kilos per mm2, suitable for cylinders, propellers
balls for crushing-mills, acid-pans, bottoms for nitric acid pans for explosives
factories, &c. There is also manufactured a special quality allowing of a chill from
lff to 3", suitable for chill castings. Any percentage of silicon from 0*3 to 5 å 6 %,
can be had as desired.
Previous to the world war, a large number of the special qualities now mentioned
were produced, most of them being exported to the large roller foundries in England.
The rollers were there cast of CAH exclusively, by means of which the desired degree
of hardening could always be obtained. The iron is namely previous to delivery tested
not only chemically and for tensile and bending strength but also for chill. In this
latter test the temperature of the iron is kept constant. All testing-results are
communicated to the purchaser on delivery of the iron.
When the war stopped the export, soft cast pig-iron was almost exclusively
manufactured and the Works received, to their own detriment, as well as that of the purchasers,
larger orders than could be executed.
Owing to the precision with which the different grades are assorted, Björneborg,
unlike many other suppliers of pig-iron, can supply just the quality desired by the
customer in every individual case. The Company will readyly make suggestions
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