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Tapping of a blast furnace.
include two blooming milis, one for heavy goods, the other for smaller sections. The
former, intended for 400 mm (16 inch.) ingots, has a capacity of 200 tons per 24
hours. It was rebuilt in 1916, and an Ilgner transformer was then added. There
are also universal-, heavy-, intermediate- and small section mills. With the help of
this machinery, ingots of different qualities may be rolled into suitabel sections
for the most varying purposes, especially for tools and important parts of
machinery capable of satisfying the greatest demands. The steel is afterwards
submitted to treatment, executed in accordance with the most modern methods
and scientific principles, and to suit the varying demands of the customers
with respect to tensile strength," or any other requirements. In a special rod
mill there are produced wire rods of high quality and for special
purposes, such as wire ropes and piano wire. The breaking point of the latter kind runs
as high as from 250-300 kgs. (560-675 Ibs.) per mm2.
The sheet mill has been modernized during the last few years. It supplies sheet
steel for such special articles as engraving plates, knife blades, &c.
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