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Luleå Iron Works ät Carlsvik.
disintegrating poor magnetic iron ore in ball mills and tube mills, the mineralized
portions are released from the non-mineralized, and the former can be separated from
the latter by magnetic process. The phosphorus percentage in the concentrate
becomes at the same time considerably less than that in the crude ore. In order to avoid
the inconveniences attendant on the employment of concentrate in blast furnaces,
Gröndal discovered a method of briquetting the concentrate which also conferred other
advantages. By the employment of the Gröndal briquetting-method the sulphur
percentage of the concentrate is also diminished, while its oxidation degree is increased,
a fact of great value in the manufacture of pig iron.
The buildings at Carlsvik were commenced in August 1904. In October 1906
the works wera ready to begin the manufacture of concentrate, briquettes and
phosphorus-free pig iron. The works consist of a power central, concentration works for
iron ore, a briquetting works and two blast furnaces.
The raw material for the concentrate employed by the Company is the so-called
gangue ore from Gellivare. This contains about 45 % iron and 0’6 % P and is
probably the most easily concentrated ore in Sweden. The concentrate contains nearly
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