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Bird’s-eye view of Avesta Steel Works.
THE River Dal, richest in memories of Swedish rivers, flows broad and mighty
through fertile districts on its way towards the Baltic. Rich in rapids and
waterfalls it has attracted to its banks several of the largest industrial establishments and
water power stations in Sweden which enterprises not only make use of the waterfalls
for power-generating but also take advantage of the river for floating timber from
vast forests along the upper course of the river. At a couple of these waterfalls,
Storforsen and Lillforsen (the "Large Falls" and the "Little Falls") about 88 miles
northwest of Stockholm, the manufacture of iron has been carried on for centuries.
The name of this place is Avesta, a name which is considered as being derived from
the Gothic word "Ahva," which means "bay" or the mouth of a lake or river. The
situation may be considered favourable both as regards the distance from Norberg, one
of the richest ore-fields in Sweden (which is only 15 miles by rail), and also the distance
from the nearest Baltic port (only about 60 miles).
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Project Runeberg, Mon Dec 11 21:48:46 2023
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