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Blast furnaces at Avesta Steel Works.
works have 2 blast furnaces, a saw mill with one frame, edging bench and stave saws,
planing mill, brick-works, a dairy, flour mills, a farm of 1,000 hectares (2,500 acres)
arable land and meadows and about 5,000 hectares (12,500 acres) of timber land.
The Högfors Works are so ancient that it has been impossible to ascertain when they
were first established. The fact that they are in the vicinity of the Norberg Mines makes
it probable, however, that they were erected at the same time as these mines
commenced to be worked, i. e., in the middle of the Middle Ages. During the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries the works belonged to members of the Swedish nobility and changed hands fairly often.
Other works, which have been taken over within the last few years by the Avesta
Steel Works Company, are those at Engelsberg, situated about 12 miles S.S.W. of
Avesta at the railway and steamship station of the same name on the
Stockholm-Västerås-Berslagernas Railways. These works consist of a blast-furnace, Lancashire forges and rolling mill.
Engelsberg is supposed to have received its privileges as early as in 1597. Among
other owners there have been the following noble families: Gyllenhök, at the end
of the 17th century, Strömer from 1707, Söderhjelm from 1728 and Hebbe from 1788.
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Project Runeberg, Mon Dec 11 21:48:46 2023
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