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Laxå Iron Works. Rolling Mill and Office.
4-9 mm (about */un), all common kinds of flat and profiled iron and drill steel, solid
as well as hollow. All soft steel is generally made according to the basic method, while
hard charcoal-steel and alloyed steel is made according to the acid method. The
products of these Works have long been well-known and appreciated for their high quality
and careful make. The Works’ stamps, or marks, have a good reputation among steel
experts all over the world, some of the commonest being:
6 3f
181 H
Through the Hellefors branch of the Wargön Co. are told, besides the
products of the Hellefors iron-works, rolled Lancashire from Laxå Works (another
branch of the Wargön Co.), Laxå easy bleaching sulphite pulp, Fredriksberg strong
sulphate- and easy bleaching sulphite pulp and Hellefors mechanical, white
wood-pulp (dry or wet).
All timber from Hellefors, as well as from the allied Willingsberg Co., Ltd., is sold
by the Hellefors office at Gothenburg. The sale of ore, which comprises ores of low
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