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Fredriksberg Sulphate- and Sulphite Mills.
have now gained a firm footing. Of these brands, the Laxå "Tower" sulphite wood
pulp has long occupied undisputed prominence in the world market on account of its
purity and the ease with which it can be bleached.
As we have already mentioned, Hellefors also sells Laxå rolled-iron. The
manufacture of iron at Laxå is still carried on according to the old Lancashire process. A
very good Lancashire iron is produced here in 12 forges; it has long had the reputation
of being one of the best of its kind. The blooms are rolled into ordinary dimensions,
from 75 mm (about 3") round bar and square iron to 5 mm (about 8/i«") round bars.
These have a good market in nearly all parts of the world where there is a lively demand
for Lancashire iron for various purposes on account of the ease with which it is worked,
its softness and malleability. Laxå Lancashire iron is especially adapted for the
making of cable-chains, horse-shoes, rivets, wood-screws &c. The manufacture of high
quality autogen-welding wire has lately been taken up as a speciality. The Laxå
Works have also taken up the manufacture of motor-trollies.
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