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At present there are at Svanå 3 Lancashire forges, one hammer for bar iron, one
cementation furnace and a steel forge. The Lancashire forge is carried on chiefly for
the purpose of supplying the Company’s own requirements of Lancashire iron for
the manufacture of railway wheels.
The Company owns woods and farming estates in the provinces of Vestmanland
and Dalecarlia of a total area of 25,000 hectares (62,000 acres). The arable land amounts
Exhibit at the Baltic Exposition at Malmö, Sweden, 1914.
to 2,500 hectares (6,200 acres). One of the largest of the Company’s estates is Lisjo,
connected with Surahammar with a narrow-gauge railway, 10 km (6 miles) long.
There are dairies and flour mills at several places and as a rule it can be said that
the company’s farms are extraordinary well managed.
There are saw mills at Surahammar, Nordansjö and Svanå, from which considerable
quantities of lumber are sold annually.
belonging to the Company is situated at Sorstafors at Kolbäck Station. The capacity of
this mill amounts to about 6,000 tons per year. Sulphite-, cap-, Havanna- and tissue
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