Full resolution (TIFF) - On this page / på denna sida - List of products - Index des produits
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Steel, file.............. 29
" for agricultural machinery..... 22
" " corsets, grammophones, clocks,
watches, etc., spring...... 31
" magnets..........30, 31
" " special purposes, cold drawn
products of. . . . 33, 34
tool (all kinds) . 28-31
" , high speed tool......... 31
" , hollow, round, hexagon, etc., röck drill 28, 29
,, , hot rolled or hammered, merchant sections 15-20
" , " " " ,, sections for
special purposes........ . 20-26
" , knife (cold rolled)........ 32
" , » (tool steel)......... 30
,, , merchant sections, hot rolled or hammered 15-20
,, , open hearth (Billets, Blooms, Slabs) . . 13, 14
" , " " (Ingots).......11,12
" or iron, bright rolled, annealed, unhardened
or hardened, polished or tinted, bands of 31
" , pen............. 32
" , röck drill-, hollow, round, hexagon, etc. 28-29
" , rolled or hammered, tool (all kinds) . . 27, 28
" , saw............. 32
" , sheets, polished-......... 26
" , silver............. 33
" , special............27, 28
Steel, spring............ 22, 23
Strips and bands........... 17
" or rods for horse-shoe nails..... 23, 24
Telephon or telegraph wire........ 34
Tinted or polished bands of iron or steel . 31
Tires............... 23
Tool steel, high speed......... 31
" " for special purposes (all kinds) . . 28-31
" " rolled or hammered (all kinds) . . 27-28
Tools for quarries........... 37
Transformer sheets.......... 25
Tube blooms, solid or hollow...... 15
Tubes for boilers, bicycles, aeroplanes, etc. . 33
" , seamless........... 19
Unhardened or hardened bands of iron or steel 31
Walloon bar iron and bar ends...... 9
" billets and rough bars...... 9
Watches, spring steel for........ 31
Wire, galvanized........... 34
" paragon............ 34
" piano............. 34
" rods............. 19, 20
" " for welding purposes..... 26
" ropes............. 34
" round or square or special sections . . 33
" telephon or telegraph....... 34
Wrought iron and cemented bars (all kinds) . 9-11
Acier (de tous genres)......... 11-26
" ä outils, laminé ou martelé (de tous genres) 27, 28
" " " pour buts spéciaux..... 28-31
" " ressorts........... 22, 23
" " " pour corsets, gramophones, pen-
dules, montres, etc........ 31
" argenté............ 33
,, au carbone........... 27
" " " , moulages de...... 35
" " creuset (Lingots)........ 12
" " " (Blooms, Brames)..... 14
" " four électrique (Lingots)..... 12, 13
" " " " (Blooms, Brames) . . 15
" Bessemer (Blooms, Brames)..... 14
" " (Lingots)........ 12
" cémenté............ 11
" compound........... 21
" creux ....’........ 28, 29
" " pour perforateurs, rond, hexagonal,
etc.............. 28, 29
" , feuillards de, laminés blancs, recuits,
trempés ou non, polis ou tintés . . 31
" , fil de............. 19, 20
,, hexagonal, etc.......... 28, 29
" laminé............ 27,28
" martelé ............ 27, 28
Acier Martin (Blooms, Brames)......13, 14
(Lingots).........11, 12
" " , fonte pour........3, 4
" massif, rond, hexagonal, etc..... 28
" pour aimants..........30, 31
" " burins..........29, 30
" " couteaux..........30, 32
" " lames de rasoir....... 32
" " limes........... 29
,, " machines agricoles...... 22
" " perforateurs, massif, rond,
hexagonal, etc......... 28
" " plumes.......... 32
" " scies........... 32
" " " a ruban....... . 32
" rapide, pour outils........ 31
" rond.............28, 29
" special . ..........25,27,28
" " , moulages de....... 35
Aeroplanes, tubes pour......... 33
Aimants, acier pour..........30, 31
Alliages de fer (de tous genres)......37, 38
Arbres, ébouchées ou finies....... 35
Bandages.............. 23
, fer a........... 17
Bändes pour clous ä cheval.......23, 24
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