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The Swedish flag (Law of 22 June, 1906) is blue with a yellow cross.
The Swedish naval flag is split in three points: for other purposes the
flag is rectangular.
The Swedish Orders of Knighthood are five in number: viz. the Orders of
the Seraphim, of the Sword, and of the Northern Star, since 1748; that of
Vasa, since 1772, and that of Charles XIII (for Freemasons), since 1811.
riioto. Fi:. G. Ki.kmmim;, Stockholm.
The Royal Palace. Stockholm.
As has already been shown, Sweden had been inhabited, for a
considerable period prior to the birth of Christ, by a Teutonic people,
according to modern theories, indeed, the population of the Country even in the
Stone Age was probably of the same origin. Though bodies of
immigrants may subsequently, from time to time, have found their way into
the country, the country was never exposed to conquests at all comparable
to those which, during the period of the wanderings oi’ the peoples, passed
over Central and Southern Europe; and the remote situation of the land
geographically kept it long unaffected by those influences which were
shaping and organizing the fabric of society in the rest of Europe during
the Middle Ages properly so called. Thus it came about that a highly
individual organization of society, based on the conceptions of the
primitive Teutonic races, grew up and long maintained itself in Sweden.
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