- Project Runeberg -  Sweden : historical and statistical handbook / First part : land and people /

(1914) [MARC] Author: Joseph Guinchard
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Full resolution (JPEG) - On this page / på denna sida - IV. Education and Mental Culture. Introd. by P. E. Lindström - 8. Public Collections and Institutions for Science and Art. The Periodial Press - Other more important Foundations for the Promotion of Culture. By [B. Lundstedt] G. Adde

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iv. education and mental culture.

at the end of every such period, be applied to some purpose of general utility
in the district of Stockholm, such as the furtherance of business and the
facilitation of the commerce, charitable institutions of all kinds, laying out and
beautifying public places, erection of buildings especially needed in the public
interest, etc. In 1908 the Town Council allotted to the High School of
Commerce Association in Stockholm 475 000 kronor, as a contribution towards
erecting a Commercial High School, and in 1913, to the Stockholm section
of the Swedish Cancer Association, a sum of 500 000 kronor as a contribution
to the foundation in Stockholm of a permanent riursing-home for cancer patients.

The Educational Bequest of H. T. Cedergren, Telephone Director. Henrik
T. Cedergren (1853—1909), engineer, founder and managing director of the
General Telephone Company (allmänna telefonaktiebolag) Stockholm, in
conjunction with his wife Ida Cedergren, née Pegelow, by will established a "fund for
providing opportunities for the good education of destitute children — especial
those from the elementary schools of Stockholm, — who cannot in any other
way obtain aid for their education, who show great ability, and of whom their
teachers have exceptional hopes that, if they acquire satisfactory training, they
will be able to make considerable contributions to the economic and intellectual
development of Sweden".

The resources of the fund instituted by this will (value of the estate) amount
to a round sum of 5 100 000 kronor.

The first distribution from the bequest (amounting altogether to about 40 000
kronor), took place on Dec. 21, 1911, by which support was awarded to studies
of all kinds and the recipients were 25 male and 19 female. Another
distribution was made on june 6, 1913, when support amounting to 60 000 kronor
was allotted to 32 male and 27 female applicants.

The Sunnerdahl Foundation for Boarding schools in the Country. Miss Magna
Sunnerdahl bequeathed, on Nov. 7, 1908, four million kronor, in accordance
with the wish expressed by her father, Emil Sunnerdahl 1826—1908, merchant,
before his death to be used for providing boarding schools in the country
where, boys and girls less fortunate, especially from elementary schools situated
in the large cities of Sweden, may gratuitously enjoy the advantages of a country
home during their physical and moral development, under favourable
surroundings, and may acquire knowledge and training in various departments of
farming and gardening, and in other suitable work of a practical nature, side
by side with such instruction in theory as may promote their general
upbringing as good citizens.

For this foundation the main regulations were established by Government on
Dec. 11 1908. It is under the guidance of a director appointed by
Government, who has the charge of all the affairs of the boarding-schools. The
property of Säbyholm, on Lake Mälaren was bought for the foundation in 1909,
and four pupils houses were there erected, which in 1913 accommodated 60
scholars, with schoolhouse, workshop, washhouse etc.

As pupils, chiefly those boys and girls are received who have completed their
elementary school course; their period of training is calculated to cover four
years at most. Instruction is given in farming, gardening, sloyd in wood
and metal, and separate training for girls in household management, sewing,
etc. The official staff consists of a head master, a subject-instructor, a teacher
of farming, and another in the workshop, a governess, and four lady
superintendents, whose duty it is to care for and supervise the various homes.

The Memorial Foundation of James F. Dickson was established by the will
of his widow, Blanche Dickson (1852—1906), as a memorial to her departed
husband, James Frederick Dickson, (1844—98), Royal Equerry and it consists
of a capital sum of a iflillion kronor, administered by the Town Council of

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