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(1914) [MARC] Author: Joseph Guinchard
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Full resolution (JPEG) - On this page / på denna sida - IV. Education and Mental Culture. Introd. by P. E. Lindström - 11. Science - Chemistry. By H. G. Söderbaum

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’606 iv. education and mental culture.

Statue of Karl Vilhelm Scheele, Stockholm]

Tables": these tables were vastly appreciated by his contemporaries. He demon-’,
strated the acid properties of carbonic acid and its presence in air. Finally, hän
laid bare the ground of the difference between pig iron, steel, and malleable iron.
— K. V. Scheele (1742—86) anticipated Priestley’s discovery of oxygen, which,
he called "fire air", ascertained its essential chemical properties, and showëf|K
that air is a mixture of that gas and of another, which he termed "vitiated air",,
that is, nitrogen. He set up on phlogistic lines an independent hypothesis on
the phenomena of combustion. He discovered the elements, chlorine, barium,
manganese, molybdenum, and tungsten, and the important inorganic compounds,,
arsenic acid, arseniuretted hydrogen or arsine, hydrofluoric acid, and Prussic acid.
He demonstrated phosphorus as a cause of cold-shortness in iron, ascertained
the qualitative analysis of sulphuretted hydrogen, investigated the action of the.
sunlight on chloride of silver, and controverted the doctrine of the transformation;
of silicic acid into alumina, and the change of water into earth. Scheele’»
researches in organic chemistry were also of the utmost importance for the
advance of the science. He was the discoverer of glycerine and a large number
of organic acids. J. 0. Gahn (1745—1818) discovered the presence of
phosphoric acid in bone-ash, and exhibited for the first time the occurrence of
that acid in the mineral kingdom.

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