- Project Runeberg -  Sweden : historical and statistical handbook / Second part : industries /

(1914) [MARC] Author: Joseph Guinchard
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to alternate with the good. At the same time these fluctuations have
become universal. Even the most out-of-the-way regions are affected
by things happening at the other end of the world. Along with these
big waves in the ocean of the world’s market there are also minor eddies,
of a more local character, which condue to reinforce or neutralize them.
Thus the period from 1866 to 1870 was as a whole a particularly
unfavourable one for Sweden. But the cause was mainly local, viz. the
bad harvests of the years 1866, 1867 and 1868 — as a matter of fact
the last time in the history of Sweden that these domestic causes affected
(he ebb and flow of national economy. Since that time domestic
conjunctures have almost without exception coincided with those of the
world’s economy as a whole.

The former half of the seventies of the last century is universally
known as a period of unparalleled economic progress, and not least in
Sweden, where the reaction that inevitably ensued did not set in till
about 1878. The period from 1879 to 1887, on the other hand, was
almost everywhere, with short intervals, a period of stagnation, and, in
general, things were not much better during the years 1888 to 1893.
Swedish agriculture in particular, like European agriculture at large, passed
through a severe crisis during the whole period from 1879 to 1893. After
1893 agricultural conditions improved; but already previous to that year
Swedish industry had entered on a phase of magnificent development,
which after the year 1894 coincided with the general economical
expansion that marked the period down to the crisis of 1907. The relative
stagnation which then set in both in Sweden and elsewhere was prolonged,
owing to domestic conditions, particularly disturbances in the labour
market (the general strike of 1909), beyond the actual period of crisis, and
it is only after the general economic rise which marked the year 1913
;hat Swedish enterprise seems to be recovering its confidence. In this

Table 3. Assessed Value of Real Property in Sweden. In millions of kronor.

Year Total value of real property Owned by Real property in private hands Real property
belonging to the State
Landed Other Total Private persona The State 3 [-Communes-] {+Commu- nes+} i Landed Other Landed Other

1862. . . 1 844 470 2314 2 247 31 36 1827 420 17 14

1870. . . 1691 597 2 28S 2165 46 77 1666 499 25 21

1876 ... 1931 850 2 781 2 614 62 105 1898 716 33 29

18792 . . 2 209 1 052 3 261 3 011 124 126 2142 869 67 57

1884. . . 2 322 1363 3li85 3 378 151 156 2 241 1 137 81 70

1887 ... 2 239 1533 3 772 3 439 158 175 2159 1280 80 78

1900. . . 2 494 2 536 5030 4 502 253 275 2 355 2147 139 114

1910. . . 3 236 4 898 8134 7136 438 560 3 025 4111 211 227

1911 ... 3 237 5101 8 338 7 299 459 580 3 026 4 273 211 248

1912 ... 3 237 5 248 8 485 7 426 465 594 3 025 4 401 212 253

1913 ... 3 740 5 837 9 577 8 266 565 746 3 480 4 786 260 305

1 Communes and communities. All the real property included here is reckoned as "other

property" (than landed, i. e. agricultural). — 5 See the text on p. 20. — 3 Low assessment

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