- Project Runeberg -  Sweden : historical and statistical handbook / Second part : industries /

(1914) [MARC] Author: Joseph Guinchard
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real property (houses, buildings, factories etc.), on the other hand,
exhibits an increase of value from 470 to 5 837 million kronor, that is,
thirteen times as much.

The income from capital and work proves to have risen since the period
1866—70 from 160 million kronor to 1 655 million kronor, that is more
than ten times as much. The income derived from "business or trade" in
particular has swelled from 93 million kronor to 576 million kronor, that
is, six times the former amount.

These figures point to an enormous increase during the past generation.
And, even if part of it is to be ascribed to inaccurate assessment during
earlier years of the period, and part to the fall of money value during
the later years of the period, it nevertheless remains an incontestable fact
that during this time there has been a very considerable advance in the
value of real property and income derived from work.

Not less remarkable than the development which has thus been sketched
is that which is observable with regard to capital in the strict sense, that
is the sums deposited by the general public in savings-banks and other
banks. The absence of complete statistics renders it impossible to follow
this matter in detail from early years. We know, however, that in 1862
these sums amounted in round figures to 54 million kronor. After that
year the data are, for various reasons incomplete, until in 1874 they include
all banks with the exception of the so-called people’s banks, accounts of
which are not accessible until the years from 1892 onwards. However,
the sums deposited in the people’s banks represent comparatively small

Table 5. Specification of Income from Capital and Work. In kronor.

Annually Prom capital From public service From private service From business or trade Total
1866-70 . . 16 831 000 32 617 000 18162 000 92 817 000 160 427 000
1871—75 . . 18 227 000 36 953 000 24 079 000 145 839 000 225 098 000
1876-80 . . 22 343 000 50 564 000 38 418 000 174 961 000 286 286 000
1881-85 . . 26 050 000 56 871 000 45 538 000 198 517 000 826 976 000
1886-90. . 27138 000 62 863 000 57 893 000 220 375 000 368269000
1891—95 . . 28 545 000 70 577 000 83 741 000 254 609 000 437 472 000
1896—00 . . 32 915 000 81 892 000 136 604 000 350 714 000 602 125 000
1901—05 . . 49 641 000 349 111 000 441 014 000 839 766 000
1906—10 . . 72 572 000 577 602 000 535 633 000 1185 807 000
19101 . . . 77 821 000 678 885 000 497 287 000 1253 993 000
1911 . . . 84 443 000 862 314 000 499 094 000 1445 851000
1912 .... 89 036 000 925 305 000 504 666 000 1519007 000
1913 ... 90 041 000 989 388 000 575 922 000 1655 351 000

1 It should be noted that the figures of income from capital, business or trade, for
the year 1910, (figures which, it should be borne in mind, give the income of the previous
year, 1909) not only fail to show the usual rise as against preceding years, but actually a
pretty considerable falling-off, viz. altogether 24 million kronor. This was due to the
general strike of 1909. This was naturally also the case with the income derived from
private service; but a rearrangement of the "General Summary" (Generalsammandraget)
of taxes prevents us from obtaining a clear view of the matter.

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