- Project Runeberg -  Sweden : historical and statistical handbook / Second part : industries /

(1914) [MARC] Author: Joseph Guinchard
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63 iii. rural husbandry.

Table 11. Crops of the various Cereals. Quintals.

Annually Total Wheat Rye Barley Oats Meslin [-Leguminous-] {+Legumi- nous+} crops
1801-10 . . 1 6 207 000 162 000 1 950 000 2 01)0 000 1 200 000 640 000 1 255 000
1811—20 . . 1 6 918 000 198 000 2 240 000 2 200 000 1300 000 700 000 1 280 000
1821—30 . . i 8 132 0(H) 300 000 2 800 000 2 300 000 1 400 000 842 000 1 490 000
1831-40 . . 1 8644000 350 000 3 150 000 2 250 000 1 550 000 869 000 1 475 000
1841-50 . . 1 10 290 000 430 000 3 470 000 2 701)000 1 940 000 1 100 000 1 650 000
1851-60. . 1 13 545 000 620 000 4 550 000 3 080 000 3 480 000 1 185 000 1 630000
1861—70 . . 115 400 000 700 000 4 550 000 3 000 000 5 600 000 1 010 000 ■ 540 000
1871—80 . . 18 926 024 914 000 4 952 000 3 417 540 7 736 320 1 139 310 766 854
1881—90 . . 21 382 170 1 018 000 5 267 000 3 361 550 9 604 670 1 401150 729 800
1891-00 . . 23429000 1 233 000 5 806 000 3 145 000 10 748 000 1 843 000 654 000
1901-05 . . 21 385 866 1 361 774 5 550 367 2 829 588 9 263 649 1 959 024 421 464
1906-10 . . 25 392 030 1 918 903 5 938 652 2 996 291 11 232 282 2 769 511 536 391
1911 .... 24 778031 2 178 439 5 929 490 2 894 012 10 395 400 2 843 941 536 749
1912 .... 27 519900 2 122 060 5 861 480 3 082 150 12 739 260 3 200 440 514 510
1913 ... 30 712 330 2 539 180 5 655 830 3 682 110 14 488 290 3 810 900 536 020

1 There are do figures for vetcbes.

average for Europe (lO’i quintals per hectare); this is especially true for
comparison with the Latin and Slav nations, while in the case of the other
Germanic countries the comparison goes against Sweden.

The differences that exist in respect to the cultivation of cereals within the
various parts of Sweden, a country of such great extent and variations in the
character of the land, are very great, however, whether we regard the
proportions they bear of the total cereal-crops of the country or the returns per
area-unit (Table 10). The first place in both respects is taken by Malmöhus Län,
which, with a little more than one-tenth of the cerealproducing land of the
country, yields a larger and more even harvest than any other län in Sweden.
It alone produces more than one-third of the wheat, and about one-quarter of
the barley and the meslin which is harvested in the country. As regards
the return per hectare, it approaches the most productive countries of
Europe. Among the other more important cereal-producing parts of the

Table 12. Crops of Cereals in quintals per hectare.

Annually Wheat Rye Barley Oats Meslin [-Leguminous-] {+Legumi- nous+} crops
1801-10........... 11-5 113 131 11-0 11-9 14-2
1811—20........... 12-2 11-9 13-0 11-0 11-5 13-5
1821-30 ........... 15-0 12-4 125 9-7 10-5 14-0
1831-40 ........... 14-8 12-7 11 8 9-7 10-3 13-8
1841-50 ........... 15-4 130 13-5 10-7 12 2 16-2
1851—60 ........... 161 14’3 14-0 12-8 12-2 140
1861—70 ........... 13-6 13-0 13-8 12-6 12-5 13-0
1871—80 ........... 140 13-8 14-7 13-2 14-3 14 9
1881—90 ........... 13 9 13-8 14-9 131 14-7 12-9
1891-00 ........... 17-1 14 3 14-3 13-1 15-4 12-9
1901—05 ........... 16 8 13-5 13-3 11-2 14-3 9-8
1906–10 ........... 210 14-6 156 14 0 17 9 131
1911............. 21-5 14-8 160 13 2 17-4 13-1
1913 (preliminary)....... 20-9 15-4 21-6 17-8 21-4 138

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