- Project Runeberg -  Sweden : historical and statistical handbook / Second part : industries /

(1914) [MARC] Author: Joseph Guinchard
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Full resolution (JPEG) - On this page / på denna sida - III. Rural Husbandry. Introd. by H. Juhlin Dannfelt - 4. Public and Private Institutions for the Advancement of Agriculture. Introd. by W. Flach - Farmers' Societies. By Nils Hansson - Agricultural Meetings. By M. Weibull

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iii. rural husbandry.

For the purpose of improving and increasing the sale of farming produce,
there have sprung into existence a large number of co-operative dairies,
egg-selling associations, starch factories, and distilling associations, in addition to
which, during the last few years, there have arisen co-operative
slaughter-house-mid fruit-selling associations, etc. The Skånska smöreæportföreningen (the Skåne
butter export association) works direct for export, and about one-third of the
total amount of butter exported from Sweden passes through its hands.

A considerable number of purchase associations have been formed for the
purpose of the purchase in common of fodder, manure, and other farming
necessaries. First among these associations is the Svenska lantmännens
riksförbund (the Swedish Farmers’ National Association), which was founded in
1005 and has a number of sub-divisions in various parts of the country; the
central associations, in their turn, divide the goods purchased among the local
associations in the country districts. Last year (1913) purchases were made to
a value of almost 8 000 000 kronor.

In addition to the above-mentioned associations, there also exist a number of
smaller societies, which have already been mentioned elsewhere in this work,
such as, the Sveriges utsädesförening (the Swedish Seed Association), Svenska
mosskulturföreningen (the Swedish Moor Culture Association), Avelsföreningarna
för svensk ayrshireras och rödbrokig svensk boskap (the Swedish Ayrshire and
Red-and-White Swedish Cattle-breeding Associations), Svenska svinavelsföreningen
(the Swedish Pig-breeding Association), Sveriges allmänna fjäderfäavelsförening
(the Swedish General Poultry-breeding Association), etc., with members in
various parts of the country. Since 1911 the greater number of the more
important farmers’ societies have had their annual meeting during the
Agricultural Week held in Stockholm every March, which thus brings together yearly
the most prominent members of the societies in question and, by means of
discussions and lectures, gives opportunities for the spread of information on
matters of actual, common interest.

Agricultural Meetings.

After the Provincial Agricultural Societies, in the forties, had begun a revived
activity to awaken an interest in the promotion of agriculture, meetings were
arranged in various parts of the country, where various discussions took place,
and good breeds of cattle and new agricultural machines and implements were
exhibited. The first general agricultural meeting for the whole country was held
in Stockholm in 1846. Since that date, General Swedish Agricultural Meetings
have been very frequent, taking place, at first, every second, then every third,
and, finally, and at present, every fifth year. Money-prizes were awarded for the
first time at the meeting in 1850. At the twenty-first meeting, that held at
Örebro in 1911, there were entered, among other animals, 534 horses, 625 head
of cattle, and 1 682 products of agriculture and implements used in agriculture
and by-industries, together with 531 agricultural machines and implements. At
the meeting, a sum of 79 094 kronor was awarded in prizes, while the expenses
came to 330 000 kronor, of which the State contributed 105 000 kronor.
Gradually the discussions held at these meetings have attracted less and less
attention, and the chief aim of the gatherings is the exhibition of cattle,
machinery etc. The rules for these meetings were approved at the meeting at
Norrköping in 1906, afterwards receiving the sanction of the Government. — At
certain intervals of time, meetings and exhibitions are held in the various
Läns, too, and meetings on a smaller scale are also organized by the
subdivisions of the Agricultural Societies. Of låte years there have been held

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