- Project Runeberg -  Sweden : historical and statistical handbook / Second part : industries /

(1914) [MARC] Author: Joseph Guinchard
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v. shooting and fishing.

Photo. k A. Andersson.

Purse seine fishing for herring {Bohuslän).

the high-sea fisheries, and 3-5 million kronor from the fresh-water
fisheries (including salmon and eel-fishing). The herring-fishery was
calculated to produce 2 750 000 kronor, the small (or Baltic) herring-fishery
1000 000, lobster- and oyster-fishery 175 000, the salmon-fishing 950 000,
and the eel-fishing 600 000 kronor. During 1912 the sea- and
coast-fisheries of Sweden brought in, in round numbers, 15 million kronor, no
less than 8 733 000 kronor of this sum falling to the share of Göteborg
och Bohus1 län.1 The herring-fishery of the west coast, the trawled
herring not included, gave 4 018 000 kronor; the herring and small (Baltic)
herring-fishery in the Baltic and the Sound about 2 700 000; the
mackerel-fishery of the West Coast 1 963 000 kronor; the trawling-fishery of the
same coast 1 478 000 kronor; the deep sea fishery (ling, cod, etc.) 519 000
kronor, and the lobster-fishery about 508 000 kronor. The oyster-fishery
was worth no more than 2 735 kronor. During the same year, the
eel-fishery along the coasts of Sweden gave about 1 150 000 kronor; the
salmon fishery off the coast and in the larger rivers, about 300 000
kronor. The fishery in the largest of the Swedish lakes, Lake Yänern,
brought in 687 000 kronor, but it would be a difficult task to give any
definite figures for the value of the fisheries in all the Swedish lakes,
though the catches during the last few years have probably amounted in

1 The fishery statistics for this Län is not calculated for the calendar year, but for the
period —31/s and as above, for 1912—13.

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