- Project Runeberg -  Sweden : historical and statistical handbook / Second part : industries /

(1914) [MARC] Author: Joseph Guinchard
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vi. mining and metallurgical industry.


Iron Ore Resources.

Swedish ore deposits occur principally witliin two separate districts; in
the southerly part of the country in the district known as "Mellersta
Sveriges Bergslager" (Mining District of Central Sweden), and in its most
northern region, Lappland.

The first-named of these districts is situated between the 59th and 61st
degrees of Latitude and between 14° and 19° East Longitude from
Greenwich. It comprises the läns of Stockholm, Uppsala, Södermanland,
Västmanland, and Örebro, the easternmost part of the län of Värmland and
the southernmost parts of the läns of Stora Kopparberg and Gävleborg,
or the region between the southernmost part of the Gulf of Bothnia in
the East and north of Lake Vänern in the West. This arèa is about 15 000
square kilometers. Within this region are found the world-famed ore
deposits of Dannemora and Grängesberg. Other important deposits which
belong to this district are those of Norberg, Riddarhyttan, Stripa, Stråssa,
Striberg, Dalkarlsberg, Persberg and Finnmossen. Outside the rayon of
this districts there are only minor deposits in Southern and Central
Sweden. The biggest of these is the titaniferous iron ore deposit at Taberg
in the län of Jönköping.

The Lappland ore deposits are mainly situated North of the Artie Circle
within the parishes of Gällivare und Jukkasjärvi in the north-western
part of the län of Norrbotten between the 67th and the 68th degrees of
Latitude and between 19° and 22° East Longitude from Greenwich.
Within this region, which has an area of about 8 000 square kilometers there
occur the biggest iron ore deposits in Sweden, namely Kirunavara and
Gällivare, from which for some twenty years a considerable export of ore
has taken place; Tuolluvara. and the fields of Luossavara, Svappavara,
Leveäniemi, Ekströmsberg, Mertainen, etc., which have not yet been
worked. Outside of this area the only iron ore deposits of any importance
that occur in the North of Sweden are those in the parish of Kvikkjokk
at 67° North Latitude 17° 35’ East Longitude from Greenwich, where
there is a big deposit of titaniferous iron ore at Ruoutevare.

All the iron ores referred to above are rock-ores and consist of magnetite or
hematite or both, more or less intimately mixed with quartz, limestone or
so-called skarn (gangue). The "skarn" consists of lime-magnesia-alumina-silicates:
amphibole, pyroxen, granate, chlorite and others. From practical metallurgical
point of view the Swedish iron ores are divided into three groups:

"torrstenar" (quartz ores), ores requiring the addition of flux making bases;
"engående malmer" ("skarn"-ores), smelting in the blast-furnace without any
flux, and

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