- Project Runeberg -  Sweden : historical and statistical handbook / Second part : industries /

(1914) [MARC] Author: Joseph Guinchard
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the mining practice in swedish mines.


Magnetic Coarse-Separator, system Wenström.

33 waterwheels of altogether 684 horse power.

18 water turbines " " 453 "

80 steam engines " " 2 852

34 oil and gas motors " " 429
296 electric motors " " 10 123 "

Total 461 motors of altogether 14 541 horse power.

Ventilation. In by far the greater number of Swedish mines natural
ventilation in most cases suffices. Where artificial ventilation is required,
as in long levels or in raises, electrically driven centrifugal ventilators
are generally employed, or else ventilation is provided by means of
injectors with compressed air.

Lighting. The underground working rooms are lighted by open lamps
in most cases gas-oil or petroleum lamps; in recent years, however,
acetylene lamps are used to a considerable extent in the Swedish mines. The
main levels are often lighted by electric incandescent lamps. In the röck-

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