- Project Runeberg -  Sweden : historical and statistical handbook / Second part : industries /

(1914) [MARC] Author: Joseph Guinchard
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waterfalls of sweden.


The accompanying map should furnish a clear idea of the distribution of
water-power in Sweden, and also of that portion of it which has been actually
utilized. The total supply of economically available water-power has for this
purpose been assumed to be 0 200 000 horse-power.

It may also be of interest in this connection to give the latest available official
data as to power consumption for industrial purposes. In the statistics of the
Board of Trade for 1910 and 1912 we find the following figures:

Mines Factories Total

1910 1912 1910 1912 1910 1912

Total power for direct running . 68 422 78 280 417 873 410 571 486 295 4S8 851
Total power for running electric

generators.......... 31 173 33 222 393 911 579 519 425 084 612 741

Total 99 595 111502 811 784 990 090 911379 1101592
Amonunt generated by water-po-
wer for direct running .... 46 421 48 741 207 001 200 635 253 422 249 376
Amonunt generated by water-po-
wer for running electric gene-
rators ............ 20 005 19194 272 236 429 137 292 241 448 331
Total 66426 67 935 479237 629 772 545 663 697 707

These figures show that respectively 60% and 63% of the total power
consumed was by water-power. They show also that, while during the year 1910
about 46 % of the total water-power used, was still consumed by direct shafting
without electric transmission of power, this same figure for 1912 has declined
to 36%. There is no doubt that the near future will see a still more
remarkable change in this respect, as by far the greater part of the water-power
recently equipped or now in process of equipment — the latter amounting to
about 100 000 turbine horse-power — will apparently be transformed into
electric energy for transmission over shorter or longer distances.

One may classify the water-power plants equipped at the end of 1913 as

Size of equipment
in turbine HP

Number of

Total number of
turbine III’

50 000 or more 1 80 000
25 000—50 000 2 68 000
10 000—25 000 6 109 000
5 000—10 000 18 116 000
1 000—5 000 126 245 000
200—1000 2%_ 132 000

Total 449

750 000

• The utilization of the water-power for different purposes is given
approximately in the following table:

Number of turbine HP %

Iron-industry..........................215 000 29

Paper and pulp industries..............240 000 32

Textile industry........................40 000 5

Electro-chemical industry..............90 000 12

Power-distribution,1 and various . . . . 165 000_22

Total 750 000 100

1 The larger industrial subscribers for energy from the electric generating stations are
not included, as they have been included under their respective groups.

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