- Project Runeberg -  Sweden : historical and statistical handbook / Second part : industries /

(1914) [MARC] Author: Joseph Guinchard
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Full resolution (JPEG) - On this page / på denna sida - VII. Manufacturing Industries. Introd. by [G. Sundbärg] K. Åmark - 1. Articles of Food and Consumption. Introd. by Alf. Larson - Manufacture of Beet-Sugar. By Å. G. Ekstrand

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340 vn. manufacturing industries.

Table 74. Manufacture of Beet-Sugar in Sweden.

An nually I- No. of factories Beet-land Hectares2 Beet worked Quintals Production in quintals Percentage of Yield»
Raw sugar Molasses Baw sugar Molasses
1876-80 . . . 1 400 113 300 9 472 834
1881—85 . . . 2 1 100 327124 28 505 12 635 8-69 406
1886-90 . . . 4 4 000 1 162 286 118 241 37 354 10-34 318
1891—95 . . . 13 14 000 4 157 316 460 664 116 914 11-20 2-83
1896—00 . . . 19 25 960 7 170 540 897 305 190 318 12-54 269
1901—05 . . . 20 26 076 7 077 150 1022 928 103 350 14’49 1’44
1906—10 . . . 23 32 669 9 406 965 1 421458 122 406 15-01 1-31
1910 (1910/11) 24 35134 11 051120 1 739 213 134 661 15-72 1-21
1911 (1911/12) 24 29 052 8 240 670 1 273 782 112 449 1544 1-86
1912 (1912/13) 24 27 092 8 365 081 13 196 150 124 354 15-77 1-48

1 The years given here, denote the beet-seasons, i. e., the manufacturing-years
commencing during the years named and ending in the following ones. — 2 For the quinquennial
periods 1876—95, the number of hectares are roughly estimated on the basis of a crop of
300 quintals per hectare. — 3 The figures for the quinquennial periods are averages of
the percentages of yield for the respective years.

per diem, corresponding to about 140 tons of sugar. As a result, the
sugar-season, which, according to law, is reckoned from September 1 to August
31, but which usually begins in the early days of October, has become still
shorter, so that many factories nowadays have finished treating their beet
about Christmas-time.

The diffusion-method is employed at all the factories; the beet is cut into
slices, which are thoroughly steeped in warm water in diffusers. At the
juice-stations, only extraction is carried out, the juice being afterwards
conducted in underground pipes to the main factory.

The seed required for the cultivation of the beet is purchased abroad.
The crop of beet per hectare varies between 270 and 320 quintals, the
average being estimated at 295 quintals. By way of comparison it may
be mentioned that the mean figure for Germany is 300 quintals, and that
for France 270 quintals per hectare. The yield of sugar per hectare in
Sweden is 45 q, in Germany 49 q and in France 33 q. The percentage of
sugar in the beet during the last quinquennial period has averaged, in Sweden

15 %, in Germany 15-6 % and in France 13-3

There has from early times been a customs duty on sugar in Sweden, the
revenue yielded thereby being very considerable. Since July 1, 1873, the home
production has paid excise. This has always been in the form of a beet-tax,
based on an assumed fixed percentage of sugar in the beet; the amount
depending on the current customs duty on unrefined sugar: to begin with, 20% of
this duty, later on, 40 %, and finally, 50 %. In order to determine the amount
of the duty, the yield was first estimated to be 6’25 of the weight of the raw
beet, but this was gradually increased to 12%. In 1906, a consumption-tax
was imposed on sugar, all sugar intended for consumption being subjected to a
duty of an equal amount, irrespective of the quality of the goods; this tax was,
at first, 13 ore per kilogram, but, from and inclusive of 1913, it was raised to

16 ore.

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