- Project Runeberg -  Sweden : historical and statistical handbook / Second part : industries /

(1914) [MARC] Author: Joseph Guinchard
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E. V. Jungner (b. 1869). Important
improvement in the electric
accumulator, etc.

F. A. Kjellin (1872—1910).
Important improvements in electric
furnaces for the production of iron and
steel. Hon. D. Ph.

P. Lagerhjelm (1787—1856).
Constructor of a machine for testing the
tensile strength of iron and steel,
thereby becoming the founder of the
mechanical testing of materials.

A. Lagerman (1836—1904).
Important inventions in the match
industry; type-setting machine (typotheter).

G. de Laval (1845—1913). A great
number of important inventions in the
dairying industry, such as the
separator, the lactocrite, the emulsor; and in
steam-turbines, etc.

B. Ljungström (b. 1872). Inventor
of the "Svea-bicycle" with changeable
gearing and vertical treadling, and also
of important improvements in
steam-turbines, etc.

F. Lundgren (b. 1854). Prominent
inventor of machinery in the

J. E. Lundström (1815—88).
Important improvements in the manufacture
of safety matches.

A. Nobel (1833—96). Inventor of
dynamite and smokeless gunpowder

I. Nobel (1801—72). Introduced
nitro-glycerine as an explosive
(Nobel-blasting oil); inventor of the first

C. R. Nyberg (b. 1853). Inventor
of ingenious apparatus for producing
a high temperature by direct and
smokeless combustion of petroleum
(soldering-lamp, etc.)

C. G. von Otter (1827—1900).
Inventor of lighthouses with intermittent

H. Palmcrantz (1842—80).
Constructor of the machine-gun, afterwards
improved by Maxim and Nordenfelt, the
latter also a Swede.

G. E. Pasch (1788—1862).
Inventor of the safety-match.

Kr. Polhem (1661—1751). A great
number of ingenious inventions in the
mining industry.

S. Rinman (1720—92). Various
important inventions in the same

E. G. N. Salenius (b. 1862). Inventor
of the radiator for making butter from

Stille (1814—93;. Improved
surgical instruments and appliances.

R. V. Strehlenert (b 1863).
Important improvments in apparatus and
chemical methods for the production
of artificial silk.

J. G: Swartz (1819 — 85). Inventor
of the so-called ice-method in

A. G. Theorell (1834—75).
Constructor of a meteorograph, registering
and printing automatically in ordinary
type the indications of the barometer,
of the dry and wet thermometers, of
the anemometer and the anemoscope.

A. Welin (b. 1862). Inventor of an
improved breech-loading mechanism for
ordnance and of important improvements
in boat-davits.

J. Wenström (1855—93). One of the
founders of the three-phase system (of
great importance for transmission of
electric power).

E. V. Westman (1823—91).
Constructor of a roasting-furnace of great
importance in the iron industry.

M. Wiberg (1826—1905). Machine
for automatically calculating and
printing logarithms.

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