- Project Runeberg -  Sweden : historical and statistical handbook / Second part : industries /

(1914) [MARC] Author: Joseph Guinchard
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Full resolution (JPEG) - On this page / på denna sida - VIII. Commerce. [By A. Berencreutz] - Imports and Exports of Various Wares. By K. G. Wetterlund

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n | Imp. 890 133 1 728 243 2 060 400 2 250 797
Timber, unwrought, sawn, or cut .... 1 Imp. ’ \ Exp. 754 16 444 724 76 1 486 15 573 1 544 14 955
Timber, wrought............ I Imp. \Exp. 983 74 734 1 248 83 428 1849 94 393 2 193 101821
Colours, paints, and dyes........ 1 Imp. \Exp. 2 320 169 2 046 212 2 605 343 3 409 374
Diverse vegetable matters........ I Imp. 1 Exp. 5109 656 6 549 735 9175 1091 9 594 843
Paper and manufactures of paper .... limp. ’ \Exp. 1900 2 464 2 338 5 401 3 421 9 285 4 526 16 656
Other manufactures from vegetable matter (Imp. • \Exp 151 19 161 23 323 41 493 171
Minerals, raw............. flmp. \ Exp. 18 756 1077 18 354 1 413 23 895 1747 31 598 4196
Minerals, manufactured......... 1 Imp. ’ \ Exp. 1702 523 2 492 1305 3 090 3108 3 390 4 999
Metals, unwrought or partly wrought . . flmp. ’ \Exp. 4 693 45 454 5 681 34 240 6 920 40 645 6 730 34 497
Metals, manufactures of........ (Imp. \Exp. 9 363 1536 7 579 1388 11796 4 335 13 581 4 248
Ships, vehicles, machines, instruments etc. I Imp. ’ \Exp. 14 061 1 182 10 038 1524 12 514 2 773 15145 3 619
Other articles............ I Imp. \Exp 1930 594 2 612 985 4164 2 484 4 457 3127
Total | Imports 237 673 25!» 905 312 108 331 528
Exports 201 256 20S 583 243 362 272 46S

1 With the figures for 1912 it has not been possible to secure a quite reliable comparison.

2 48i 836 3 039 1 028 3 5413 2 797 3 212 2 414 3 565 2 724
1 929 lfi 933 3 601 18 339 2 747 19 745 7 658 20 520 12 031 18 951
2 624 119 786 1 840 161 140 2114 180 040 2 766 214 669 3 050 255 187
4 376 322 5 751 294 7 061 189 6 685 279 6 918 222
11941 762 17 982 533 33172 780 40 348 1710 45 754 3 745
4 900 20 108 4 437 10 682 4 380 19 606 3 712 29 335 4198 33 972
827 415 1990 426 4 435 542 3 554 791 3125 591
40 615 9 131 69 252 18 544 80 541 30 939 90 572 46 311 89 403 69 045
3 481 9 535 5 066 12 899 5 760 14 461 5 455 13 654 5 331 16153
7 728 30 612 12 388 40 429 19 673 41 184 31 403 51676 35 208 58 957
17 458 4 975 25 581 9 074 31 255 13 296 32 978 18 025 33 968 20 495
17 494 5 394 35 208 11554 32 980 18 049 42 131 31170 40 486 50 118
5 622 3 310 7 684 3 918 10 125 4 351 16 017 6193 21868 11873
349 479 446 146 527 503 63s 501 690449
317 762 358 551 410 434 515 358 6C3 530

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