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(1914) [MARC] Author: Joseph Guinchard
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viii. commerce.

6th form in the public secondary schools. Most of the applicants have passed
the "Realskole’-examination (see p. I, 385 foil.).

The subjects of instruction are: a) obligatory: Swedish, German, English,
French, Book-Keeping, Commercial Arithmetic, The Science of Commerce,
Chemistry and Knowledge of Merchandise, Commercial Geography and the History
of Commerce, Economics, Political Science, Commercial Law, Shorthand,
Calligraphy, and Type-writing; b) optional: Spanish and Russian.

To the higher one-year’s course, only those students are admitted, as a rule,
who have passed the "Student’-Examination (Matriculation see p. I, 385 foil.).
The subjects are the same as for the two-years’ course, though a somewhat
greater freedom of choice is usually permitted.

At Schartau’s Commercial Institute there is also a lower one-year’s
course,-intended for pupils from senior forms below the Matriculation Form, or for those
who have gone through the 8 forms of the girls’ secondary schools. At the
Hälsingborg and Malmö Institutes, pupils with higher attainments, especially
those who have passed the "Student"-Examination, may enter the second-year’s
forms at once.

Pupils of both sexes are admitted to all the courses. During the Autumn
Term of 1914 the number of pupils at the commercial gymnasiums was as
follows: Gothenburg 191 (including 27 girls), Stockholm 155 (23), Malmö 57
(5), Hälsingborg 41 (9), Örebro 34 (17), Gävle 9, (1), making a total of
487 (82).

The average age of those admitted to the two-years’ course is somewhat
over 17.

A pupil who has gone through the full course in a satisfactory way, and has
taken the written and oral examinations, receives a certificate testifying to his
diligence and good conduct during the courses, and specifying the degree of
proficiency he has attained in the subjects studied.

A certificated pupil has the right to a further examination in any subject
in which he has not yet been approved, or in which he has not attained a
high degree of proficiency.

A satisfactory pass from the commercial gymnasiums’ two-years’ course, together
with the "Realskole"-examination, gives the right of entrance to the High School
of Commerce in Stockholm, qualifies for an appointment in the Customs
Service or in the Bank of Sweden, and for a cadetship in the reserve. The same
pass, without the "Realskole"-examination, qualifies for an appointment under the
State Railways Board, or in the traffic department of the State Railways.

In conformity with the statute of November 28, 1913, a permanent staff
is to be appointed in the State-supported scholastic institutions. Members of
the staff are to receive at least the same remuneration as assistant masters in
the public secondary schools, i. e., 3 000—5 000 kronor pro tem.

The head-master is to receive, in addition to his stipend, the sum of not less
than 2 000 kronor. In point of fact, the remuneration of the staff in
Gothenburg and Stockholm exceeds by 500 kronor per member the minimum rate of
remuneration appointed by statute, and the head-masters are also placed on a
more favourable footing. At the Gothenburg Commercial Institute, both the
head-master and the members of the staff are entitled, on reaching the age of
65, to a pension of 4 000 and 3 000 kronor, respectively. The Gothenburg
Commercial Institute has at present on the permanent staff a head-master and
6 assistant masters, the commercial gymnasiums in Stockholm, Malmö, and
Örebro, a head-master and one assistant on the permanent staff, each. At the
Hälsingborg Commercial Gymnasium the post of head-master is filled by a
member of the staff of one of the public secondary schools there. The Gävle
Borgarskola has a staff of four masters, exclusive of the head-master.

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