- Project Runeberg -  Sweden : historical and statistical handbook / Second part : industries /

(1914) [MARC] Author: Joseph Guinchard
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ix. shipping and navigation.

As is to be seen from the table, this change for the better has only been
notable during the last decade, in connection with the above-mentioned
advance of the mercantile marine. Even at the end of the ,18th century*
the Swedish tonnage comprised only 37 %. Of the foreign vessels, it is
the Danish that have long held a preponderating position as regards
international shipping communications. At the end of the decade 1891—1900,
the traffic between Denmark and Sweden was maintained by Danish
vessels to the extent of about 80 %, while the share of Sweden amounted
to only 15 %. By the readjustment of the Öresund traffic this state
of things has now been changed, so that the share falling to Danish vessels
is put at 61 %, and that falling to Swedish vessels at 36 %, in the case of
the communications between the two countries.

A still more predominating position is held by foreign vessels in the
shipping with Finland, the Swedish share amounting to only 24 %. As
regards the communications with Russia, the Swedish tonnage has,
during recent years, acquired a greater and increasing influence, in
connection with the establishment of regular lines. Of tbe vessels cleared for
Russia and entered from Russia the Swedish now comprise 58 %, whilst
the corresponding figure at the end of the decade 1891—1900 was 28 %.

The share in the Swedish shipping of the Norwegian vessels has shrunk
from 34 % in 1870 to 8 % in 1912. On the other hand, the proportion of

Table 118. Foreign Shipping in 1912 according to Custom-Rouse


Custom-house Tons
Luleå .... 1 421 760
Gävle .... 1 023 138
Sundsvall . . 698412
Härnösand . . 464 951
Söderhamn . . 303 188
Umeå .... 195 232
Hudiksvall . . 187 628
Skellefteå . . 172 189
Haparanda . . 135 938
Örnsköldsvik . 116 172
Piteå .... 67 769

Norrland . . 4 780 377

Trälleborg . . 3 173 850
Stockholm . . 2 077 670
Nyköping . . 1 163 289
Visby .... 402 329
Norrköping . . 393 702
Kalmar . . . 280 264

1 Sum of the tonnage for vessels entered and cleared (foreign trade). A vessel that has
visited several ports on the same voyage is only counted once, namely for the port where

it has loaded or discharged the greatest amount of cargo. — 2 To or from Denmark

3 145 839 tons; other countries 925 621 tons. — 3 To or from Denmark 2 278 063 tons; other
countries 483 923 tons.

Kristianstad . 169 252

Oskarshamn 161 126

Karlshamn . . 150 200

Karlskrona . . 135 582

Ystad .... 114875

Sölvesborg . . 74193

Västervik . . 66 455

Ronneby . . . 47195

Västerås . . . 29 838

Simrishamn. . 27 505

Södertälje . . 24 949

Söderköping 16 363

Uppsala ... 1604

Eskilstuna . . 353

Vadstena ... 218

Jönköping . . —

Linköping . . —

Örebro .... —

Ostkusten . . 8 510 812

Malmö2 . . . 4 071460
Gothenburg. . 3 760178

Hälsingborg3. 2 761986

Landskrona . 347162

Lysekil . . . 345 859

Strömstad . . 319 919

Halmstad . . 308 485

Uddevalla . . 95 898

Varberg . . . 83155

Karlstad ... 54 769

Falkenberg . . 31112

Marstrand . . 30 914

Lidköping . . 3 804

Västkusten . 12 214 701

Total 25 511890

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