- Project Runeberg -  Sweden : historical and statistical handbook / Second part : industries /

(1914) [MARC] Author: Joseph Guinchard
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home shipping.


The Koster boat, so called after the Koster islands off the coast of
Bohuslän, exhibits a happy combination of the qualities of a good and safe fishing
boat, which, in case of need, can accommodate a considerable cargo, and those of
a good sailer, which can successfully brave the notorious gales of the Skagerrak.
The Koster boat is decked, particularly strongly built, and is provided with
two sails, fore-sail and main-sail. This type is generally employed in the

The Roslag sloop, which can be traced back to the seventeenth century, is
quite open and is provided with one large sail fixed to a boom — somewhat
after the fashion of the mizzen-sail of a schooner — and also with a fore-sail.
The construction of the boat, which derives its origin from the celebrated naval
architect Chapman, is particularly elegant, though its lines are full. This type
derives its name from Roslagen, or the tract immediately north of Stockholm
ön the coast.

The Blekinge punt, as the name indicates, is found chiefly in Blekinge. This
type of boat is capacious and easy to row, it is a good tacker and easily handled,
besides which it runs exceedingly well before the wind. It is also used for
fishing in the open sea, in which case it has a single, very large square-sail;
otherwise it has, besides a main-sail, at least a fore-sail.

Photo. Fr. G. Klemming, Stockholm.

Roslag Sloop.

■ The entire Home Shipping in Sweden in 1912 •— apart from vessels of
less than 10 tons and excluding traffic within and about the respective
harbours — comprised 243 145 vessels entered and cleared, with a total
tonnage of 26 290 318 tons. Of this total 206 041 were steam-ships with a

36 —133179. Smeden. II.

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