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(1914) [MARC] Author: Joseph Guinchard
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telegraph service.


Every State telephone, too, is, as a matter of fact, a telegraph-office, as
the subscribers have the right, on certain conditions, to telephone in messages
for further despatch to a telegraph-office, and also to receive per telephone from
these last-named places telegrams that may have arrived there for the said

As regards the apparatus system employed, the Telegraph Service has
consistently adopted all the improvements and developments made, and has employed
the inventions best suited to the conditions existing in Sweden. Many such
inventions or improvements have been made by the Service’s own officials and
have been turned to practical use. The system which is most employed for the
telegraph-service in the country is based on that invented by the American,
Morse, arranged on the open-circuit plan, the messages being received partly
by tape and partly by ear. In connection with the method of receiving by ear
(by "sounders"), the system of writing out the message by typewriter is coming
extensively into use.

From Creed Section of State Telegraph Office, Gothenburg.

On wires with a heavy traffic there is employed duplex- (the simultaneous
despatch of two telegrams, one in each direction) or quadruplex (the
simultaneous sending of four messages, two in each direction) telegraphing, or else the
automatic Wheatstone-system. Murray’s printing-telegraph system has been tried,
and since 1913, the Creed printing telegraph has been in use on all of the most
important lines.

For the railway telegraph wires Morse-apparatus are chiefly employed, operated
partly on the open, partly on the closed, circuit plan, a small number of
so-called needle telegraph apparatus are still in use, however.

Within Stockholm, since 1906, there has existed a local telegraph network
using instruments from Siemens & Halske, Berlin, not only at the stations of
the Telegraph Service, but also at those of a number of firms possessing exten-

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