- Project Runeberg -  Sweden : historical and statistical handbook / Second part : industries /

(1914) [MARC] Author: Joseph Guinchard
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Table 136. Number of Telephones in use in various Countries, 1913.

No. of telephones in use Per 1 000 inhab.
Denmark........ 118398 42
Sweden ........ 217 554 39
Norway........ 75 000 31
Switzerland...... 90 573 23
Germ an v........ 1 302 672 19
Great Britain...... 738 738 16
The Netherlands .... 77 195 13
Finland........ 35 2U0 11
Belgium........ 58 640 8
France ......... 293 195 7

Austria................161230 5

Hungary................75 738 4

Rumania................21000 3

Italy.........I 89166 2

Spain..................34 000 2

Russia (Finland etc.) . . 282 481 2

Portugal................8 040 1

Servia..................3 606 1

Greece..................3 097 1

Bulgaria................3 200 0’7

that period, the State began to devote itself to the telephone business with
greater energy. At the close of 1900, the State telephone system had
about 52 000 telephones in use; the Stockholm telephone companies, 27 000
instruments; and other private companies, possibly about 5 000 — the last
named figure being, however, uncertain. The total number of telephones
in the whole of Sweden thus amounted, at the time mentioned, to about
84 000, or about 16 telephones per thousand inhabitants; the average
figure for Europe at the same time was probably not more than 2
telephones per thousand inhabitants. The total length of the telephone
lines of the whole of Sweden may be calculated to have then been about
160000 kilometers. At the close of 1913, the above figures had increased
as follows: the State telephone net possessed 159 252 telephones; the
Stockholm Telephone Co., 73 577; and other private companies, 2 544, or
a total of 235 373 telephones in use, which is equal to 41-7 instruments
per 1 000 inhabitants; the total length of the Swedish telephone lines was
500 397 km. For the sake of comparison with the rest of Europe, some
figures (see Table 136) may be given for the commencement of the year

In the whole of Europe there were, at the same time, about 3 695 400
telephones, corresponding to 8 telephones per 1 000 inhabitants; in the whole world
the total number of telephones was about 13 570 900, and as many per 1 000
inhabitants as in Europe.

A comparison between the chief capitals of Europe, as regards the number of
telephones in use, is given in Table 137.

Table 137. Number of Telephones in use in various Cities, 1913.

No. of telephones Per 1000 inhab.
Stockholm...... 79 964 228
Copenhagen....... 50 802 84
Christiania....... 20 729 86
Berlin......... 144 543 62
London ........ 244 320 34
Paris......... 95 033 32

Vienna................56 747 27

Buda-Pest..............24 567 28

Brussels................21470 26

Petrograd..............47 649 28

Rome..................10 400 20

Madrid................4 031 7

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