- Project Runeberg -  Sweden : historical and statistical handbook / Second part : industries /

(1914) [MARC] Author: Joseph Guinchard
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Full resolution (JPEG) - On this page / på denna sida - XI. Banking, Credit, and Insurance - 2. Banking. By I. Hultman - 3. Mortgage Institutions. By I. Hultman - 4. Savings-Banks and Similar Institutions. By [I. Flodström] Alfhild Lamm

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xI. banking, credit, and insurance.

vata Centralbank, a banking company founded in 1912 as a central organ
for a considerable number of average-sized provincial banks.


The mortgage banks in Sweden which serve the purposes of agriculture
have been already dealt with in a separate section (pp. 135 foil.). The most
important of the other banks of this type are Konungariket Sveriges
Stads-hypotekskassa and Stockholms Inteckningsgarantiaktiebolag.

Konungarikets Sveriges Stadshypotekskassa, The National Town Mortgage Bank
of Sweden, is managed in accordance with a Royal Ordinance of June 5 1909
and the Regulations issued by the Government on January 18 1910. Its
capital, which has been handed over to it by the State in the form of 31/» %
bonds, amounts to 30 million kronor. The functions of the bank consist
in negotiating requisite loans for mortgage societies constituted of owners
of real property in towns and communities comparable to towns. This bank
is thus to the town mortgage societies what the General Mortgage Bank
is to the rural mortgage societies. The bank is administered by a board
consisting of five members, four of which are appointed by the Government,
and one by the National Debt Board. The administration of the board is subject,
to the inspection of three auditors, two of whom are nominated by the
Government and one by the National Debt Board. The Government determines
after hearing the opinion of the National Debt Board, whether the board’s
administration is to be approved.

Stockholms Inteckningsgarantiaktiebolag, the Stockholm Mortgage Security
Company Ltd, also transacts banking business and is therefore included among
"other banks" in Table 140. The original object for which the Company
was formed was "to guarantee the repayment when due of the capital sums,
either with or without interest, advanced in the form of loans on promissory
notes secured upon real estate in the compass of the City of Stockholm and
by that means to facilitate the procuring of loans of that nature". The
company also supplies loans for building purposes. It has done very much for the
organization and strengthening of credit based on real property in Stockholm.
The share capital is 15 million kronor, and the aggregate funds amount to 25
million kronor.

Mortgage Security Companies (Inteckningsbolag) have also been formed at
Gothenburg, Gävle, Malmö (the Skånska Inteckningsaktiebolaget), Hälsingborg,
and Örebro.

For some figures, see p. 139.


The oldest savings-bank, in the strict sense of the term, founded in
Sweden is the Gothenburg savings-bank, which was opened on the 28
October 1820. The city of Stockholm Savings-Bank was established in
1821, and during the latter twenties of the nineteenth century similar in-

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