- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / 1841 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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The Professor’s Answer.
"Edinburgh, Nov. 6, 1769.
" SIR,
"I have received the books concerning which you
were pleased to advise me in your favour of the 23rd
of October, for which I return you cordial thanks. I
have at present, and shall have during the winter season,
but little respite from the duties of my office of Divinity
Professor here ; so that it will be seven or eight months
ere I can purpose to peruse them deliberately, and with
that care and attention which the serious and important
nature of the subjects therein treated plainly requires.
I have, however, seen enough to convince me that the
honourable author is a very learned and pious man,
qualities that shall ever command my respect. His
sentiments, in several theological points of importance,
differ not a little from those that are entertained in our
North British Church, and he supports them not wholly
by argumentation from Scripture, but rests a good deal
on visions of angels and intercourse with the spiritual
world as I cannot boast of any experience of that kind,
I am the less qualified to judge of the weight that ought
to be laid on that mean of proof. This is all I can
presume to say at present, and on the footing of a very
slight and cursory inspection of the books. Meanwhile,
as you have sent a copy of the Apocalypsis Revelata,
and another quarto, in which Amor Conjugialis et Scor
tatio, or Fornicatio Vaga et Libidinosa, are explained
and contrasted in respect of their spiritual and mystical
meaning, I shall deposit these in the theological library
here, as also a single copy of each of the other papers
and pamphlets, reserving to my own proper use only a
single copy of each of those publications of which you
have transmitted several copies ; the residue I shall give
away, as from you, to such of the ministers of this city
as, to the best of my judgment, will most thankfully
receive them. I am, with sincere respect and gratitude,
Sir, your most obedient and most obliged servant,

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